Where Is The Red Puffle Box?

I have been to every room in Club Penguin looking for the Red Puffle box. Last year it was stationed at the cove but it’s not there! Where could it be? I think Club Penguin forgot to release it.

Also Here are the locations of the other Puffle boxes. (which room the puffles will be in)

Green: Lighthouse Beacon

Blue: Forest

Pink: Ice Berg

Purple: Dance Club

Yellow: Lighthouse

Black: Pool/Cave

Red: ???

White: Mine


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8 Comments on “Where Is The Red Puffle Box?”

  1. Tech163 Says:

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  2. Peyton Says:

    Do you know where the orange puffle box is?3

  3. matty Says:

    i know were the brown orange and red puffle box is

  4. matty Says:

    i know were the red puffle box and brown and orange and blue is

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